Just reporting back on this...I've been without internet for the last month and a half.
I'm posting from the beginnings of the new internet cafe and ice cream shop in our village. We're still trying to come up with a name. My wife came up with "Licks and Clicks". Too suggestive?
We're using the PHS300 and it connects and works immediately with the modem without any setup. As easy as I could ever ask for. My only problem is that the connection goes and comes very frequently. Sometimes every 3-4 minutes, then off for a couple minutes, then back up. I'm not sure if I should blame the PHS300 or the cellular provider. I get 96% signal strength according to the PHS300, so I should have a nice strong connection.
Thinking of how to make the connection more reliable. Thoughts are:
1. Get a real router instead of this cheap thing
2. Get a router that has two USB slots for dual modems and run one with Smart (current provider) and one with Digicell (the other provider in country). Have one fail over to the other.
3. Same as #2 except with a satellite connection. Much more expensive, so likely not a realistic option for the time being.
Anyone know of a device that would work for #2? Dual-modem capable with fail-over?
~ John