After converting my servers here and at the house to reiserfs (with a mix of XFS), I'm just amazed at how slow the ext2 FS really is... not to mention the fscks. How lovely NOT to have to worry about the player sitting and sitting and sitting, while doing a fsck. Obviously due to the caching performed by the player, FS speed isn't a large factor during normal use, but getting rid of the need for the fsck would be worth it alone, IMHO

I'm not sure if getting rid of the fsck is a good idea. There are two reasons to run fsck: 1. when you turn off your machine without unmounting your filesystem first (this is rarely a problem on the empeg since the drives are usually mounted read-only) and 2. every so often, just in case something went wrong for whatever reason. A journaled filesystem makes 1. unnecessary but 2. is still desirable - what if there's a bug in the filesystem implementation?
