Originally Posted By: drakino
You can take a screenshot of the page...
I have become more than passingly familiar with eBook management in the past couple of months after getting my own Kindle.*

The better and more versatile solution would be to get the free Calibre program which can transcode your books from just about any format into *.RTF, which you can edit and print with Microsoft Word.

Unless... the books have DRM. Then you will need a Calibre plug-in or a standalone program to remove the DRM before Calibre will transcode the book. If the books are in Amazon's proprietary *.AZW format you will probably be out of luck.

I make sure that any eBooks I aquire are in *.epub format, as I can deal with those DRMs. I use Calibre to transcode them to *.MOBI for my Kindle.


*I thought this whole Kindle thing was a bit preposterous. Who needs a complicated, fragile electronic device in order to read? Haven't these people heard about "books"? Then on a whim I picked up SWMBO's Kindle in order to make fun of her, and found that the people who claim that a Kindle is "...almost as good as a real book" were wrong. Reading a book on a Kindle is superior to reading a book on paper in every way I can imagine. It is lighter. I can scale the type to any size I want. I don't have shelves of old books cluttering up my walls (they're all in my computer, and the Kindle could hold about 3,000 books all on its own), I can have three or five or however many books going all at once and never have to try and figure out where I set down that Heinlein book, I never, ever lose my place in a book, when I want to read at the table I don't have to put one edge of the book under my plate and put my milk glass on the other edge in order to keep it open, through the magic of the internet I have near-instant access to literally millions of books including books from my public library (I keep my Alaska library card active!), the advantages are too many to list. I read a lot (yo soy retirado aquí en México!) and I can say truthfully I have not held a paper book in my hands since buying my Kindle, which happened about five minutes after I tried out SWMBO's.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"