Haha, thanks for validating me a little smile I had the exact same need, and Bitt directed me toward the same program in this recent thread. Unfortunately I haven't had time to play with my MacBook much since then, but I'll be getting back to it soon.

I know you work mainly in Linux and OSX, but are you able to get the ctrl key remapped to the same way it works in Windows? Basically, I'm hoping for the following:

Z,X,C,V - undo, cut, copy, paste
W - close tab (or window if there's no more tabs)
Tab - go to next tab
Left/Right arrows - previous and next word

There might be others but I can't remember them off the top of my head. They're so ingrained it's like muscle memory. Mainly I just want to be able to edit text like I do in Windows, where I can just fly with the above shortcuts.