Originally Posted By: Dignan
I've tried that route before, and it isn't what I do.

I use my macros dynamically, that is I create macros on-the-fly for any job that is repeated more than twice. For example, on my keyboard if I want a Macro that types "Mary had a little lamb", I type the following:

1) CTRL-PROGRM_MACRO (This key combination starts the macro recorder)
2) / (I am storing this macro in the "/" key on the keypad)
3) Mary had a little lamb [ENTER] (This is the macro)
4) ProgramMacro (This key stops the macro recorder)
5) / (and "Mary had a little lamb" magically appears on the screen.

To do the same with the AutoHotkey program...

1) Right-Click the desktop
2) Using the mouse, in the drop down menu, select New
3) Using the mouse, in the subsequent drop down menu, select AutoHotkey Script
4) Think of a filename, and type it with an .ahk suffix.
5) With the mouse, right-click the file and in the drop down menu select Edit Script.
6) Type "/" [Enter]
7) Type "Send"
8) Type "Mary had a little lamb"
9) Type "Enter"
10) With the mouse, Save the file.
11) With the mouse, close the file.
12) With the mouse, double-click the file icon.
13) Type "/" and "Mary had a little lamb" appears on your screen.

Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb

I created and ran twice the macro on my AnyKey that created the three lines above in 9.5 seconds. I'm not even going to try and do it with AutoHotkey.

AutoHotkey is a great program for someone who doesn't need to make quick little "disposable" macros. It is vastly more powerful than my AnyKey, able to record mouse clicks and start programs and use variables etc. My AnyKey macros to accomplish those things are complex and convoluted, and many of the AutoHotkey functions I can't do at all. But I would go crazy if it took me five minutes to program a macro that, say, reformatted a bunch of Excel cells, rather than doing it in 10 keystrokes with a macro on my AnyKey.

Don't think I am unappreciative of your pointing that program out. For a lot of people it would be really good, but it doesn't do what I need.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"