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The first thing we should clarify is the way we communicate with each other. It is ineffective and even destructive to use too many different ways. So what should we use? This board or the mailing list or a new mailing list?

Usually, at least in the development areas where I am active, there's either a mailing list, a newsgroup or a board. Mailing lists and newsgroups are most common and effective, while a board can do the same (but probably has some disadvantages).

The hassle of registering a newsgroup is too much for a start, so the only alternative would be a mailing list. I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes and say "we have to have a mailing list no matter what", because this board is well-established and it _works_.

If at all, I'd say a special-interest mailing list for developers only as it exists already and reactivate that one.

On top of that, I'd suggest an IRC channel to hang out and meet, probably with a focus on developing but for everyone else, too. This proved useful many times, you have people to chat with and problem solvers with hints, tips and tricks are always at hand.
