Said it before.. Tracfone
For the USA.
My tracfone went thru the wash last week.
The replacement is an LG800. $49
Triple minuets for life. Prepaid $200 for 1500 mins. Which means a phone and 4500 mins cost $249. Texts are billed 3/min. That works out to 5.5¢/min for voice & 2¢/text.
The cheapest AT&T plan is what $39/mo for 450 mins. If you use them all they cost ¢8.6/min. So it will take 10 mo's to get 4500 mins and cost $390+taxes,fees + a $36 activation fee, plus it's on a 2yr contract... And there is no texting.
Edit: Oh, you get unlimited off peak,or mobile to mobile. That's a bit harder to quantify.
Edited by gbeer (22/06/2012 23:01)