So far my only exposure to anything east coast has been limited to New York City (for a day), Ohio from the empeg meets, and a brief trip to Ft. Lauderdale. And I'd like to change that.
I'm not sure of the exact timeframe yet, but I'm pondering a road trip on the motorcycle. This trip would be an extensive one, possibly up to 2 months in length. And likely to happen late summer, depends on a few factors.
I'm looking through some older threads for ideas, especially one from TigerJimmy
about a related long motorcycle trip.
DC is on the list, as is a stop around Raleigh for family. Probably New York again, for both the city for a little bit, and some family up in the northern part of the state. Outside of that, nothing real specific, though I figure some time will be spent near
US 129 along the Tennessee/North Carolina border.