I guess no one else read the inside info from The Verge. Google realizes, like Facebook, they need to hire great engineers who are also great designers, hence all the indie acquisitions.

GMail isn't necessarily much worse than other web mail, but it's certainly no better. Google will be releasing native clients for multiple platforms and it's a safe bet they will all be much more polished an unified in form/function than they have ever been.

Sparrow wasn't the email app to end all email apps, but it was arguably one of the better mobile email apps to date and about an order of magnitude better than the iOS built-in mail app in every single way except for lack of push notification - and that's because Apple forced the developers to disable it.

I didn't state anything as fact, I stated my perception and I stated why Google acquired Sparrow - which has already been confirmed, I'm just relaying the information.

I'm not the one drinking the kool-Aid because I certainly don't think that one platform/solution is the right fit for everyone. I think GMail is terrible. I thought Thunderbird was one of the worst email clients ever made. I think most of the built-in software for iOS sucks. If you don't agree that's fine. Use them. I don't and won't.

Some of the comments have come off as if people are taking this personally. I honestly don't care if you use GMail and you happen to like it. My thoughts on the subject should have no reflection on that - and most definitely aren't based on anything of the sort. I value everyone's opinion here, but I'm not put off because we don't agree on a lot of things and regardless of how anyone states their disagreement as long as it's not directed personally.
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