Bruno, I completely agree that the marketing of this is total BS, but it seems that your initial problem with all of this is that the average consumer is being sold something marketed as an "LED" TV when it's not.

The flaw in this issue is in assuming that the average consumer even knows what true LED TVs would be. I guarantee that the average Joe wouldn't be able to tell you why it's better.

So, aside from the edge-lit issue, which I agree is a step backward and not good, technically these "LED" TVs are at least better than the previous generation (CCFLs, weren't they?).

But hey, the TV set industry is hardly surprising here. They're still chasing that high they tasted when the HD era hit, and they (and their shareholders) don't care or don't believe that they'll never see a hit like that again. It's why they tried so hard with 3D, and it's why they attempt misleading tactics like this to sell units.

The thing that annoys me more is the user interfaces on most of these sets. They are universally abysmal. I've always wanted just a dumb monitor and nothing else, but they keep trying to shove more crap in there.