Well, it's still charging, but I'm using the Nexus 7 on the charger.
Heavier than I thought it would feel, but the dimensions are really, really good for my uses.
I liked (in a creepy sort of way) how it automatically filled in my gmail address at first power-on, and prompted for just my password. I guess they registered the serial number in Google Play when I purchased it there.
The free Jason Bourne eBook was an unexpected bonus -- I was considering that very book in paper bookshops just the other day, but decided to hold off for now. Good reading for the cottage later this month.
Dunno about the freebie Transformers movie, but I'll watch it later.. might be decent. Gotta install the IMDB app and read more about it first.
Typing is a LOT easier on the larger screen than on my phone.
It's self-updating from Android 4.1 to 4.1.1 now.