(A slight continuation of the market share numbers being discussed in the Google IO thread, figures this one was more appropriate)
Thanks to the Apple vs Samsung court case, we are starting to see how so completely off the mark IDC is, and many of the other reports.
http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/08/10/a...ung-sold-37000/ If Samsung really sold 2.4 million tablets last quarter, as IDC estimates, 1.5% were sold in the U.S. and 98.5% overseas. That's pretty hard to believe.
IDC tried to come back and claim Samsung tablets also includes their Windows 7 lineup. Raise your hand if you have ever seen one of these in the wild outside a store shelf, or the units Microsoft handed out to developers. I somehow doubt that makes up for the wide gap.
The other tidbit here is also how big the iPod Touch market really is. For iOS targeting developers, it's viable, but never shows up when only looking at smartphones. From the numbers, 2008-2010 saw about a 1:1 parity of Touch to iPhone sales. 2011 and 2012 the sales have fallen off quite a bit, making the total ratio closer to 2 iPhones to one iPod touch. Still a rather sizable market typically excluded in the mobile OS "faux marketshare" numbers.