Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I think they mean with regular vacuuming. A traditional bag vacuum can lose suction power from the start of the vacuuming session to the end.
cleaning a filter is considered basic maintenance

... and it is very easy. In years I can't remember when is last time I cleaned my canister Dyson filter. I clean my handheld filter once every six months, I think.
By very easy I mean that you pull it out in less than 5 seconds, clean it under water, let it dry for a while, and put it back in less than 5 seconds.

I'd never go back to bags either. Probably I used poor products before, but every time I changed bag I had dust all over the place. Emptying both the handheld and the canister Dyson is quite simpler and less messy for me.

Also, I know form theory that when the filter is dirty they have less suction power, but I would not be able to notice.
= Taym =
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