Originally Posted By: Tim
Originally Posted By: hybrid8
So far what's been posted consists of 297 blurry thumbnails of the last 2.5 minutes of descent. I suppose you can call a 2fps recording "video" when it's played back at over 4fps - I don't normally. It's kind of like really really bad claymation, shot from above, of a beige flat surface with a small puff of dust at the end. Definitely not worth the watching time as promised by Engadget.

They are referring to that as the 'sneak peak', since the high-res video hasn't been transmitted back here yet. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=149974611

A better resolution video has been released. The only place I've seen it so far was Wired Science so I'm not sure if it is 'official'. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/08/hd-curiosity-landing/