And you can't build anything even remotely similar to a commercial NAS yourself unless you want to invest heavily in developing your own custom software. There's nothing available in the open-source space that compares (in any way) to the proprietary software on these products.
Heh. Funny, very funny.
Just about all NAS products, "home" or "commercial", are based on
(as in like, 90% of everything) Open Source software. Usually on top of Linux, FreeBSD, or (more rarely) Solaris. All of the NAS functionality comes from the Open Source parts, and normally just the management interfaces are closed source.
I work on the insides of some rather Big Name "commcercial NAS" thingies, and it's just Linux in there ticking away. But not with a puny Marvell CPU like in a lot of "home NAS" boxes.
