I know antennas have been discussed here in the past. Specifically, homemade ones in the attic.

I live in a small town that's about an hour outside of New York City. Based on this, you would think I could get great access to tons of over the air programming. Unfortunately, any sort of small indoor antenna I've tested with yeilded NO signal. None!

This could be because I'm in a bit of a valley, but I really think I should at least get something. Check out this map from antennaweb.org:

These are the results for my street with installing the antenna above 30' from ground level selected. These stations are nothing I'm interested in, and they're at the "violet" level when only ~35 miles away. Most broadcast TV stations in NY come off the Empire State Building, or a tower in Alpine NJ which are both at a shorter distance than 37 miles. So why wouldn't antennaweb think I could get those with a violet antenna?

So, then I see these big antennas on Amazon. Some of the commenters are talking about receiving stations over 100 miles away with these.

Is there anyone here with a big antenna in their attic that happens to live in a valley? Can anyone comment on what it would take to get me off cable TV? I have access to an attic with power. It's above the 3rd story of this building. It seems like I could make something work here.
-Rob Riccardelli
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