Originally Posted By: hybrid8
No spoilers because I haven't seen it yet... But, did you find the facial alterations to Levitt distracting throughout the movie? It's a little distracting in the trailer. Not sure why they didn't just go with, umm, his normal face.

I'm also in the "why did they do that?" camp. We swallow bigger look-alike mis-matches in the movies and on TV all the time. Siblings who don't look alike, parents who don't look at all like their kids, etc. If we're going to suspend disbelief that there's time travel (spoilers! wink ), I think we can suspend the disbelief that JGL will ever look like Bruce Willis.

Levitt has been one of my favorite actors for a while.

He's been my absolute favorite for years now. I will see anything he's in and he's almost always phenomenal. Mysterious Skin is one of those movies that I will never watch again, but it really got to me and I'm glad I watched it.

Brick was also excellent, but I'm going to have to watch it again to catch everything...