Perhaps more seriously, they could well use the original cast in the sequels to play an older Luke, Han Solo, and Princess Leia. Hell, bring back Billy Dee Williams as well.

But really, no. What Star Wars needs isn't three more episodes. It needs a good swift rebooting. Just forget the prequel ever happened. Maybe even go farther, like the Star Trek reboot, and just forget about the entire canon and start completely from scratch with new actors.

The writer I'd *really* like to see work on the project, which will of course never happen, would be JMS. I'd like to see the Star Wars universe with JMS's ideas about galactic politics. Imagine if Babylon 5 had been made with Star Wars budgeting? He'd kinda like to do it and he did once write a treatment for rebooting Star Trek.

But really, forget about all that. What I *really* *really* want to see is something completely freakin' new that accounts for our better understanding of how computing is going to radically reshape the future of humanity. There's a lot of fun that could be had making high budget movies out of, to pick one example, Iain M. Banks's Culture books. These would make for some very good films. Supposedly somebody's working one one, but I'd like to see this done properly with top-flight SFX people unhindered by things like limited budgets.