So what's the deal with burying himself in sand then?
Sounds like he's gone a bit funny in the head?
I had to google those drugs that he was talking about. IIRC, one of the major side-effects is increased paranoia.
Bath salts are what the guy in Florida who ate the other guy's face off and ignored a gunshot was on.
The part of the Wired article that I didn't get is why would the author say he witnessed a box of 9mm Luger ammo on the table. Luger doesn't make ammo (that I'm aware of), but 9mm Luger is the most common type of 9mm (9mm x 19mm) although it goes by other names, including just 9mm. If somebody owns a standard 9mm (one of the most common calibers in the world), chances are the ammo is going to say 9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum, or just 9mm stamped on the rim.