Bruno, go hunt out somebody with a nexus 4 and see how smooth 4.2 actually is. I'd have agreed with you about smoothness and general clunkyness prior to jellybean, but this is good, this is way faster and smoother than my iPhone 4s ever was.
Things like the data warnings and counters and battery graphs and such like make such a difference to the whole experience. The battery life on my 4s was shocking by the way, although it seems very hit and miss whether you have battery problems.
I loathed my 4s after I'd put ios6 onto it, it turned what was a dull experience into something that was awful.
With regards to the my comments about the apps, its particularly this hardware that I feel has the chance to really push android into spotlight, sure it night already have a huge market lead, but this phone is quality, runs a stock kernel and is cheap. Its a wolf (iPhone) in sheeps (android) clothing.
I'll keep you updated on my experience! Maybe it will change but its looking positive at the moment!