If that is the case, that's a big step back from DE. However, I did not read anything clear on this in their very documentation (hence my "supposedly"). Have you actually tested this? My guess is that a drive is not immediately readable but it becomes so after few clicks in Disk Manager. Just a guess.
No, not tested it myself because I don't want to be the guinea pig. But you can easily find horror stories about these new SS, just Google for them. It seems SS is still very young technology which may get better with new revisions, but for now, it's probably not a good idea to use.
AFAIK, there is also no redundancy with Storage Spaces, only drive pooling, making this even more dangerous.
There actually is. It can be configured up to double drive redundancy. This is clearly stated by MS. I think SS would not even make sense without redundancy.
You're right, I take that back. There is redundancy, like there was with Drive Extender. You can choose to mirror the data or use parity. But unlike with Drive Extender, it's no longer possible to mirror only one specific folder. This was very handy: stuff that was important you mirrored, less important stuff you didn't. The benefit of this was clear: you saved disk space. Since you cannot do this with SS any more, you'll need a lot more disk space for redundancy. Of course, this all is of little help when the entire SS goes bad. This is known to happen now and then, so much even that I wouldn't risk using it for now, not until there is an option to actually recover data from a failed SS.