Originally Posted By: tfabris
We're going to set him up with a basic machine in his house so he can dump files there at LAN speeds and let it deal with the time to move data at Internet speeds. Whether it's an ftp client pushing, an ftp server his clients pull, or something else entirely is still up in the air.

Empegger and BBS user Aleksander Milewski ("N6mod") used to work for a company that specializied in solving precisely this problem. I'm having a terrible time remembering the name of the company. Anyone else remember it so we can google it?

Basically they were trying to make a cost-effective and time-effective alternative to movie production companies and SFX houses having to ship hard disks full of video files to each other. (Because that was the way they were doing it at the time because it was faster than file transfers over the internet.)

It worked by having PCs at both ends of the link doing a continuous UDP stream that handled the data transfer communications in a round-robin fashion where the client and server didn't have to wait for a response before streaming the next set of packets. It could effectively saturate any connection up to its maximum available bandwidth, something that most standard file transfer protocols can't do due to the latencies involved in their handshaking protocols.

this sounds interesting! I'll see what I can find.
