Okay, I know this is an old thread, but I just have run into the similar situation recently. So for those who are *lucky* that they have a Cisco Broadcom 57711 in their Dell system, or even non-Dell (and non-Cisco of course) system, here is the solution to flash firmware under Windows (at least works for me):

1. Got to Dell website and download this file: Network_Firmware_THCKX_WN_7.4.8.EXE
2. Go to Cisco website and download this file:
3. Extract the Dell .exe file (it is an .zip archive actually) to a folder on your hard drive, say C:\BC
4. Extract the "PNUOSIMG.CGZ" from Cisco .iso file and save it somewhere
5. Download "cpio" for Windows (Google it!)
6. Rename "PNUOSIMG.CGZ" to "PNUOSIMG.GZ" then extract the "PNUOSIMG" to somewhere (say, C:\BC\firmware) using tools like WinRAR or WinZip etc
7. Now, open a command line window and "cd" to C:\BC\firmware, then run:
cpio -i < PNUOSIMG
8. Search for "BCM57711_pci_dual_port.img" in sub-folders - this is the file you want
9. Now go back to "C:\BC", then go into the "payload" folder
10.Run the below command (use "32" if you are on 32-bit machine):
..\64\winfwnx2 [mac_address] upgrade -ib_ipv4n6 ibootv74.02
This is to ensure your iSCSI entry matches the one in Cisco image
11.Copy "BCM57711_pci_dual_port.img" to "payload" folder
12.Run the below command:
..\64\winfwnx2 [mac_address] restorenvram BCM57711_pci_dual_port.img
13.It should prompt a message about reboot machine. You can use the below command to confirm:
..\64\winfwnx2 [mac_address] dir

You are looking for something similar to this:

Broadcom NetXtremeII Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows

C Brd MAC Drv Name
- ---- ------------ --- ------------------------------------------------------
0 164F xxxxxxxxxxxx Yes [0070] Broadcom BCM57711 NetXtreme II 10 GigE #70
1 164F xxxxxxxxxxxx Yes [0071] Broadcom BCM57711 NetXtreme II 10 GigE #71
Image SRAM Addr NVM Offset Byte Cnt CPU Version
BC1 0x08000040 0x00000B14 0x00003F9C MCP BC1 6.2.25
BC2 0x08007800 0x00004AB0 0x000157AC MCP BC2 6.2.25
MBA 0x00000000 0x0001A25C 0x0004B004 HOSTPCI30_CLP MBA 7.2.29
EFI x64 7.4.19
L2T 0x001C0000 0x00075898 0x000021A4 TSTORM L2T 7.0.0
L2C 0x00240000 0x00077A3C 0x00000974 CSTORM L2C 7.0.0
L2X 0x002C0000 0x000783B0 0x00002444 XSTORM L2X 7.0.0
L2U 0x00340000 0x0007A7F4 0x00001974 USTORM L2U 7.0.0
MODULES_PN 0x00000000 0x0007C168 0x00000124 HOST Rev 1
ISCSI_B 0x08000010 0x00065260 0x0000F638 HOST ipv4_ipv6 v7.4.2
I_B_CFG 0x08000010 0x00074898 0x00000800 HOST v2.0
I_B_CFG2 0x08000010 0x00075098 0x00000800 HOST v2.0
CFG_SHARED 0x08000010 0x00000AF4 0x00000020 MCP N/A

Edited by dracocephalum (20/12/2012 07:22)