Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
The breeze is streaming through my front door on this 73 degree night in the tropics...
The emphasis here is a bit different, less peaceful reverence and more... I dunno, the best word I can think of is enthusiasm. Down the hill about a quarter mile is a party that started Monday afternoon with explosions, fireworks, a live band (several in succession I would imagine) that is still going strong 15 hours later. It is very loud: a quarter mile away and around the corner, with all doors and windows closed it is about as loud as I would play a radio inside the house. Best of all is this: nobody (least of all myself!) is complaining or upset about this.

All over town people have celebrated the night with rockets that literally rattle the windows when they explode and they are still doing so as I write this. It's all part of the celebration. There are impromptu parties set up blocking some of the streets, and we just detour around them.

If what you want is a tidy, buttoned-down lifestyle, then this is not the place for you. But it is the heart and soul of what I love about living here.

Merry Christmas

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"