Originally Posted By: Roger
Playlists are not symbolic links, in the traditional sense. They are files containing a list of the FIDs contained therein. They don't appear as symlinks in the filesystem.

Ah, yes, it's all slowly coming back to me now - clearly Alzheimer's is slowly creeping in.

If I remember correctly, mp3tofid takes directories with symbolic links and massages them into playlists.

So, assuming that you're seeing concrete FIDs for the playlist files, and symlinks for the MP3 files, this seems like sensible behaviour. You merely need to ensure that rsync resolves the symlinks before copying them to the empeg. That way you'll get concrete music files and concrete playlist files.

Right - the *1 files are "real", and the *0 files are symlinks. I am a bit concerned about the "loadfrom" fields in the *1 files - are they used for anything? They point to file paths in my source directory that is not replicated on the empeg.