Originally Posted By: drakino
If you also want a project, this site looks to be a good resource on building a book scanning rig: http://www.diybookscanner.org .
Naahhh... been there (to the website) done that. smile

Their rig can do 14 pages per minute (20 pages with dual cameras) and then requires manually interleaving the left/right filenames before importing into a PDF. My "rig" does 60 pages per minute and saves the completed scan into the PDF in one step. Then they're using Adobe Acrobat 9 for OCR, just like I'm doing.

Of course, their setup has the advantage of not destroying the original book with a jigsaw! I'm not converting rare or valuable books, just books that aren't available in eBook format at the moment. Example: "The Shipkiller" by Justin Scott.

I'll scan through their forum, though, and see if I can pick up any pointers.

Thanks for reminding me of that site.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"