Originally Posted By: drakino
a further step forward of the USA recognizing all people are equal. One of our founding tenets, continuing to be realized even centuries later.

I aggress with the point about equal rights but I have always disagreed about everyone being equal. We are not. Some people confuse equal rights with being equal.

For example: I was in the gym a couple weeks ago and a dude in there was bench pressing over 400 lbs. My weak and unequal to his bones would have just snapped if my mussels even could do that.

Fortunately we are all a little different so our individual strengths can enhance our society and each of our talents (god given or evolution given, whatever you believe) can help all of us.

What also annoys me is when kids are told they are all equal and can do anything they want. This is true for the most part but we really should help to guide kids to their desire while taking into account their talent.