I'm on Sprint now and about to finish my contract in a couple of months, so these T-Mobile changes come at a very good time. My wife's on T-Mo (non-prepaid, about a year left in the 2 year contract) and I don't see it roaming very much around here if at all.

My distaste for AT&T and my desire to avoid another contract means that the only choice for me is whether I go with the new "simple choice" plan and add my wife to it later, or just go prepaid until her contract is done and then re-evaluate things at that time. It sounds like the only real drawback of prepaid is the lack of data roaming, which shouldn't be an issue. T-Mo doesn't have LTE here and probably won't for some time, but their 4G service on my wife's phone is faster than what I usually get from Sprint, so I'll take it.

I haven't run the numbers on prepaid vs. simple choice yet, but will probably do that this weekend. My wife has virtually no data usage and I generally average a bit under 1GB/mo, so the 2GB family plan is probably where we'd end up if we go with the simple choice non-prepaid plan. (It's a bummer that they don't pool the data usage on the family plans, since I could probably get by with the cheaper 500MB plan if it was 1GB between the two of us.)
- Tony C
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