Originally Posted By: drakino

I'm not being ungrateful, Tom, but that page was pretty barebones smile I'd also disagree with you in that - aside from all the Apple apps - most of those are available on Android as well.

I might not have been clear, but I wasn't looking for mobile-only solutions. The software that's implemented has to also be usable from regular computers, and those computers are Windows machines.

Those are all either cross-platform or have perfectly fine Android counterparts.

If you're looking to back your iPad dominance claim, I would have expected some more integrated solutions smile

Sorry, I'm just giving you a hard time, Tom. But while there's a lot of nice apps in there, it's a very piecemeal approach. For example, it's crazy to have one mobile app tracking jobs, then another app creating invoices. That means you have two customer lists to keep track of.

Canuck (sorry, I'm not sure what your name is), thanks for the links. I've never heard of any of those services, but they seem promising. They're the kind of thing I was looking for. I'm going to need to do a lot of reading up to figure out if they do everything that's needed, but I'll check it out! Thanks again!

Edited by Dignan (16/04/2013 02:19)