Am I the only one who thinks the chocolate wafers of the Oreo are the best parts?

You are not alone.

However, I will state that it is absolutely critical that the Oreos must be abolutely fresh in order for the chocolate part to be any good. The chocolate must have that special fresh-out-of-a-freshly-opened-package crispness.

If the Oreos have gone stale (a process which only takes about 30 minutes of exposure to the atmosphere) , then significant amounts of dunking are required to cover up the mushy-ness.

I would also like to re-iterate the critical nature of the milk temperature. Fat content isn't important to me (don't care if it's whole milk, 2%, or nonfat), but it must be absolutely ice cold. It must be so cold that it almost hurts to drink it in gulps.
Tony Fabris