Originally Posted By: Dignan
Originally Posted By: Shonky
I have an 830 and I have noticed some slow down in particular on my Downloads folder recently when opening it. Not sure what's going on there and I don't really have any evidence to specifically point towards the SSD.

I assume you have a mechanical drive as well for data storage? I'm not saying that's where your downloads folder is mapped, but recently I've noticed something odd on my own Windows 7 installation. When I do certain things, I can hear one of my disks spinning up, and I can tell that the computer is waiting for it to do so before it completes the action. It does this for weird stuff like emptying the recycle bin or opening Notepad. I have no idea why.

No - single drive in a laptop. I replaced the mechanical drive (but was considering replacing the optical drive with the original 750GB mechanical unit rather than carrying it separately in an enclosure). The symptoms are similar though to a drive spinning up.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)