Well, it's also available in hand sprayers (click "products"), which should be more than adequate for the surface you need to cover. About $30 for the bottom layer spray and +/- double that for the top layer spray. Not exactly cheap, but still do-able I think.

Forget the gloves!

What do you suppose the effect of this stuff would be if sprayed on the hull of my kayak? Do you think there is any chance that it might significantly reduce the drag of the hull as it goes through the water? A 5% reduction in drag would be an enormous boost in performance.
So, are there any hydrodynamicists here? Would this silly idea work?
I don't know why, but I have this silly idea that all it would do is make your kayak tip over a lot quicker because the surface tension would have changed. (no idea if this holds any truth or not - it's just my impression).
HOWEVER... after a bit of research I am pretty sure that that € 73 price is just for the bottles. Then, I'd have to spend an additional € 312 for the 1-liter (minimum quantity) bottom and top coat chemicals. That's $500 USD, more than I care to spend on an experiment.

That's not correct. The price of the spray bottles is including the Ultra Ever Dry stuff in it. It only contains 250ml, that's all. (the price is indeed one fourth of the price of one liter of the stuff)
Then, the reviews I have seen on the hand spray bottles are less than encouraging. The bottom coat chemical is too viscous and streams rather than sprays. Opinion seems to be, however, that you need a decent quality pressurized sprayer to make it work.
Now, this I can believe. The distribution effect of a spray can never be equally even as the distribution effect of a pressurised sprayer. So yes, I too believe for the best effect, the hand sprayers option is not the best one.
I might just buy a set just to try it out though, I'm very curious if this stuff really works as good as it seems. Problem is I don't really have a good use for it. Maybe on the windshield of the car. Never having to use windshield wipers seems cool. But not really 73 euro of cool.

Mmmm... must think harder for a practical use.