I wonder if the PS4 controllers have 360-style guards on the triggers now, so that you don't inadvertently press the firing trigger when you set the controller down on the coffee table. (Or inadvertently skip ahead a chapter on the DVD you're watching, GAH.)
The XBox 360 controller, in its original design, fatigues my hands because of the excessively outstretched index finger position, especially when I'm gripping the controller tightly with the other three fingers because I'm tense from combat sections of the games. I solved this problem with some L-brackets and Sugru: I modified the shape of the controller so that now it gives me a resting place for both my index and middle finger on the triggers and shoulder buttons. That, combined with setting the controller on a small pillow on my lap while I use it, has reduced the strain on my hands. Maybe I'll post a pic of my mod.
Strangely, the PS3 controller doesn't do that to me. Possibly because it's smaller and I don't have to spread out my hands so much to grip the thing.
However, the thumb button layout on the controllers is just terrible, always has been since the PS2. And the Xbone and PS4 don't fix that problem. I hate quicktime buttonpress sequences in video games because I have to re-decipher the layout/symbolscheme/buttoncolor of the buttons each time one of those sequences comes up. Wait, is the red button on the left or the blue button on the left? Is it the circle or square or triangle? Oh fuck I'm dead already and I have to replay the fucking scene over again. I would like to find the people who invented that diamond button layout, and the people who invented quicktime buttonpress sequences, and force them to do Milgram style tests on each other where they get shocked increasingly worse each time they miss a button press because of their stupid layout.
What would be a better layout you ask? The Gamecube controller. That was the best video game controller ever invented. I want to just hug the guy who invented that button layout and controller design.