I am always looking at new areas of photography, and after a visit to see my Uncle (who does low level pole photography) I thought it would be an interesting area to look into. I actually started about 10 years ago with the purchase of an RC Heli, but I never got the hang of that!

Does any one have any experience with Hexacopters and the like? I fancy building my own, but there is lots of information out there but no straight forward guides on how best to go about it. I'm looking to build a pretty serious rig that I could use on commercial jobs so it needs to lift the NEX or DSLR at least.

So far by Google research has brought me to DJI electronics and this frame...


But there a wide choice of motors, speed controllers and blades that I just don't understand yet. Add battery and radio choice to that and I have a head ache!

I have contacted a dealer here in Yorkshire, but so far they haven't replied which doesn't fill me with confidence.

