Here are my thoughts:

Moto X: this wasn't scheduled to be announced today. Everything has been pointing to August 1st. I don't think it's going to be a re-brand of the phones they just announced, either. I think Motorola just wanted to get those out and announced before the Moto X so there was a slight window before the "$500 million ad campaign" killed the stupidly-named "Maxx" phones.

Chromecasting: I have to agree and assume that this is Google's replacement for Google TV. It could work, too. As long as they're able to get content to the phone, I guess they figure why not use that as "the box." Obviously there's some huge drawbacks to this approach (for example: there always has to be a "castable" device in the home if someone wants to watch something), but it could be interesting.

Is there any possibility that Chromecasting could be opened up for cross-platform support? That would be incredible. The only reason my house isn't filled with Airplay devices is that only my wife would be able to use them. I want something that will finally be usable to push audio (and maybe video) to multiple rooms that works on at least Android and iOS. It seems like that's not feasible...

Nexus 7: finally! I think I'm finally going to sell my old tablet and get this one. I'm a little worried about going from 10" to 7", but only when it comes to reading comics. For all other aspects I'd be thrilled to have a smaller device. I've just been waiting for a higher-res screen, since I don't want any more screens from now on without that sort of pixel density.

Android 4.3: yawn. I couldn't care less about "faster user switching." The only feature of note is the support for low-power bluetooth, but that's something they would be fools to NOT include, and I don't have any devices that would use it yet anyway (until I get another Fitbit). 4.3 feels more like 4.2.3.

I'm anxiously awaiting the Moto X announcement. I REALLY want a new phone, and the Moto X sounds like it's going to be the winner. I'm hesitant to get a Motorola phone, but we'll see what they announce...