I think I echo your sentiments, Dan. I'm concerned about that price, though. I'm very curious what that unlocked Play edition price will be. I have no interest in another contract phone, and given the specs I'm a little surprised that it's $200 on-contract. While I also don't mind the specs of the X, they don't match the One and the S4, so I don't know where that price comes from.
Do we have any release dates so far? I seem to have missed them. I didn't get to pay as close attention to this launch as I'd wanted.
Frankly, given my current finances, I'm back to considering the Nexus 4. For a non-contract phone, it's quite appealing. Plus it has wireless charging, will get 4.3 (with TRIM, thank god), and will more likely work with the SIM that TMobile would send for that $30 plan. I doubt they have a SIM that will fit the X...
I'm hoping that before the summer is over, I'll have a new phone, the new Nexus 7, and a Chromecast