Notes so far from the upgrade:

- I jumped from 10.7 straight to 10.9. No worries.

- Lots of new updates from the Apple Store (new Keynote, new Xcode, etc.).

- Once I installed the new Xcode, I did a 'brew update; brew upgrade' and everything seems to be working fine. It's grinding away now.

- Adobe also had updates for Creative Studio (I'm running CS6). That's been running for an hour and is still running. There was a dialog early on to install Java, which I guess Adobe needs. I guess Apple doesn't default to installing Java any more.

- f.lux broke. Downloaded a new one, manually reinstalled, worked fine.

- Apple silently removed web sharing from the preferences pane, but Apache is still there and still works just fine.

- I always configure my sshd_config to disable password login (public-key only). Every time I do an Apple upgrade, they toss my old sshd_config, and this time was no exception. Come on Apple, really?

- I've never been a user of Apple's calendar, mail, etc., but the new integrated notification service is intriguing. I'd really like to work Apple's Reminders into my workflow somehow. Right now I'm using Gmail's "Tasks" feature, but it's not supported by the Android app and hasn't been updated in forever. Ideally, I want a way to be able to turn any email into a task and to manage those tasks anywhere. Anyway, the upgrade hasn't broken my old workflow, but it's making me ponder whether I want to look at a different one.