No, it's not the same. Lifting a lot of weight ten times or so until there is nothing left will make you gain muscle mass, but not automatically also stamina. Sure, you'll be able to endure more, just because your muscles are stronger, but that's not really the way to go in your case I believe.

What is used a lot, is the so called piramid-routine, where you do three routines but use eg. 50 kg in the first routine, then 80 kg in the second routine, followed by 80 kg again in the third routine. It's also not uncommon that in the third routine, more reps are done. That's way you're getting the best of both worlds: you're gaining muscle mass and you'll enhance your stamina.

Also keep in mind that muscles are not built during the workout: this happens in the hours and day AFTER the workout, in the resting period. This is why it's so important to feed your muscles with the necessary nutrients during this period: your muscles will recuperate faster and you'll make better results more quickly. You'll also avoid injuries better.

Which comes to the next big thing: food. Any serious sporter or trainers will back this claim up: food is fuel for your body and especially when working out it's equally important as the training itself. You'll never reach good results if you don't have that area covered as well, so I advise you to look into it. Fortuntely it's not hard to find some really good sports diets on the internet. (like eg., but there are lots of others)
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