Thanks to both of you for the fantastic feedback!

Dan, thanks for the detailed description of your experience with the program. It really helped me get a sense for what it might be like to use it.

Rob, thanks for the link to Scribus. I realized that I already have that installed, but I guess I never tried it smile I'll take a look and see if I'm able to figure it out. Do you know if it can save in a format that a professional print shop would be able to use?

Also, it's unclear to me how Adobe will eventually charge me for their software. When they say $19/month, do they mean that's the equivalent charge, and that I actually have to pay for an entire year in advance? Or is it truly month to month? If it's really month to month, and I only plan to use this thing a few times a year, $60 isn't too bad for a year of usage. Either way, it's tax deductible smile