I don't seem to be able to find the operating conditions for these bulbs, specifically the ambient air temperature requirements.
Will they work at -40C, eg. in Canada?
I just installed a Cree flood light (BR30) -- the packaging states "Suitable for use in operating environments ranging between -25C and +45C. Lifetime may be reduced if used in air tight enclosures or in insulated ceiling air tight (ICAT) recessed down light enclosures." Other bulbs may have different ratings...
And how hot will they tolerate without dramatically reduced lifespan, eg. inside an enclosed "jam jar" style of fixture?
Other bulbs I saw when I picked this up, specifically said on their packaging "not for use in enclosed fixtures" -- not just specifically the ICAT enclosures mentioned on the Cree, so my gut feeling is they'll be fine.
I've slowly been replacing CFLs and incandescent bulbs, as they burn out, with the Cree bulbs. So far, so good, including the ones in recessed fixtures. But it's only been several months, at most -- ask me again in a few years.