I couldn't think of a better place to ask this than here.

Since the NHL and Yankee Stadium have found a way to make concessions so expensive even New Yorkers who are used to the regular ridiculously high prices disgusted, I wonder if there is a way to make hot water for tea and cocoa in my seat. The good part-they allow outside food and factory sealed bottled water into the stadium. The bad-no thermoses, no metal or glass containers, no coolers or hard sided cases. No access to electricity. The full list of prohibited items is on this PDF.

What I do have that I can bring in are two soft sided insulated bags, and those handwarmer packets. Would the combination of handwarmers in the insulated bags with some pre heated water bottles be able to get to somewhere around 130F or higher, or is there a better way I can't figure out without bringing along any of the prohibited items? Also keep in mind, NYC lacks places like Bass Pro and Cabellas. Actually, most of our sporting goods stores suck.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony