Fantastic! I'm happy to see you had that experience. That's been my experience as well: everything just works, and I didn't have to do anything. Normally I'm the type that wants as much control over this kind of system as possible, but in this case I guess I just like how it functions and I let it do its thing.

Isn't that extra touch of the background and theme music neat? That's something that was added recently, actually. Up until a few months ago I think it was still a black background. That's what I'm talking about when I say that they've actually kept up support for us lowly 1st-gen GTV box users.

I love that I can just throw files into the folder that the Plex Media Server watches, and it handles all of it. It sorts it out in the UI, finds the episode title and description, and I don't have to do a thing. I also like that it keeps track of episode progress. If I start a show on one device and stop it, I can pick it up from the same spot on another device.

I have a Plex Pass, but I don't pay for it. I'm still not sure what exactly I have, but it seems to work for me. I've played files remotely before, and the experience was pretty good once I had the correct playback quality selected for my connection speed.

I agree that for a single dollar, this setup is really hard to beat for its simplicity and results. I think the more you use it the less difficult it'll be to lay down $5 for the Android app.

I agree that I'm not sure what I'll do if/when my GTV dies. I'm hoping we see whatever Google has planned next before that happens. I really like the pass-through setup, and want to keep that.

BTW, Dan, I'm wondering if your GTV does the same thing mine does. Every once and a while (like 6-12 weeks) I'll turn my home theater on and there'll be no video or audio. The GTV will still work for every single feature except TV. Apparently my "TV app" crashes occasionally, and the only way to fix it is to restart the GTV. This isn't a big deal since I can do it from the remote (I love that the combo is Ctrl+Alt+Backspace), but it is an occasional annoyance and one that throws my wife for a loop every once and a while, though she's figured it out too at this point...