Originally Posted By: andy
The requirement for Spotlight doesn't need to rule out cloud solutions. Evernote's notes are included in the Spotlight index.

Does Evernote embed the OCR directly into the PDF? And from what I can tell, the processing and storage is all local, with Evernote offering a syncing service in the cloud. This may be more what I'd be willing to deal with, instead of Drive forcing the OCR part as part of an upload to the cloud. Just debating if the ScanSnap + Evernote path is worth paying double what I just did for the scanner. Especially one without TWAIN support, so I'm locked into this one path.

Essentially, I don't want a monthly or yearly fee to store/sync my documents. Accessibility wise, they will live on my own storage, and I can then connect back to my home network if I need to reference one while traveling.