Originally Posted By: tahir
Any of the plastic fabric/mesh options will have a limited working life, especially in hot sun. We use plastic treeguards in the orchard and in the time we've been planting have used all sorts but they all start disintegrating in one way or another after a few years.

Also if it's hot enough to deform the canoes then surely it'll deform any plastic netting?
The boats are shielded from UV by a sun-resistant semi-permeable [breathable] tarp over the outside of the rack. These tarps carry a 5-year guarantee and I expect them to last longer than that because they are not under any mechanical stress. The roof of the rack is painted sheet metal and there is some tree shading in our storage location.

The plastic netting (or whatever we end up using) is not supporting the kayaks, it is only there to protect the hulls by keeping them from contacting the metal chain link floors, and to ease the friction of sliding boats in and out.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"