Originally Posted By: Archeon
I agree, the indexing thing in Windows nowadays is very impressive and reliable!

Glad to hear it. Once you get used to searching for what you need on a local computer, it starts to become second nature. This is one of the key things that really won me over on the OS X side, and I was hoping Windows was going to catch up with the Longhorn release. WinFS was supposed to drive this feature initially, but that got scrapped when the OS development was restarted and turned into the shipping version of Vista.

I ran on a lowly G4 Cube (450mhz G4 processor) and an IDE hard drive back at my HP job. I'd throw all the technical document PDFs at the system, and had quicker search then the intranet tools of the time. SSDs as Doug has now seen makes this nearly instantaneous.

It's also why I cringe a little when I see screenshots of the "Classic" Windows control panel. Search for me has now become my default way of operating a desktop computer. From finding files, launching programs, and changing settings. Can't really tell you where settings are, but able to change them in seconds.