I did find a thread elsewhere that the inventor/owner regularly posts to. His original scheme for control was much more complex and capable. In the end he had trouble getting funding, so he vastly simplified everything and brought the costs way down in the process.
Lots of bang for the buck for nearly-ordinary people, though!

I am going to take a look at mine and see if it's hackable/reprogrammable somehow. I'd prefer just to directly address the bulbs so presuming they have some sort of unique MAC address. Got that thread handy of the owner? I'm not sure how much he does and how much is just sourced from China or similar. They do ship from NZ though.
BTW: I note the BBS says "Re: drakino" but threaded view doesn't reflect that. Bug?
Ok, my apologies, the Limitless site is just laid out a little weirdly.
Apparently their bulbs have white colors in the 3000-6500K range. 3K would be pretty close to the Cree bulbs, though I'd like to see what that 300 difference looks like.
Also, I was very surprised to see that the Limitless bulbs apparently have some integration possibility with the Vera controller that I use, among others, though they don't offer much information about that...
Yes it is quite badly organised. There is an "API" there too.
There are two main bulb types. RGBW (i.e. a colour and white bulb combined) and the "Dual white" where I presume it just changes the proportions of cool vs warm... I didn't buy any of these.
I'm thinking about getting a bunch of wireless remotes and setting it all up with a Ninjablock. I need to work around the 4+1 (apparently there's one extra group) limitation though.
One thing I found is that whilst it's good that it remembers the last on state (i.e. colour or white, brightness etc) when you turn them off, they take a while to properly turn off. i.e. when you come into the room and the light switch is on already which is of course necessary for them to work remotely. So you turn the switch off and then back on. However you need to turn it off for 5 or more seconds I presume for whatever CPU to run down whatever capacitance.