Originally Posted By: rubennyc
Edit: I see, after hitting 1GB they drop you down to G2, which is almost worthless, IMHO.

Yup, and yup!

This is how TMobile has run their "unlimited" plans for years. You can use an infinite amount of data, but most of it will be at speeds so slow as to be worthless. I guess you can technically get text-based emails over that, which would really be the most important thing for me, but yes for the most part it's worthless.

TMobile actually got in a bit of trouble recently, because apparently the only thing they wouldn't throttle after you reached your limit were speed tests. You would run a speed test and it would show you 4G speeds. This is clearly misleading for the customer (even though the customer should understand their contract better).

For the moment, I'm paying anotehr $10/month so my line can have a 3GB cap. That's actually not that bad, and I rarely hit that amount in the past year. I'll hit it even less often now that rdio won't count against my cap (hooray for potential net neutrality violations!), and now that I've told my podcast client to only download shows over WiFi.