So your issue is unrelated to whether the product supports hidden SSID's. Your issue is entirely with his statement, in the review:
it’s recommended that home networks not entice hackers by broadcasting their IDs
Then taking that statement by itself, unrelated to any product...
You're right, it's bullshit in this day and age. In fact I'd go so far as to say that the opposite is true: For the types of hackers who are most likely to actually attempt and/or succeed at hacking into your wireless access point, hiding your SSID might entice them more.
I can't think of any good reason for any
home network to hide its SSID. Doing so does not improve security and merely makes it a pain in the ass to get new devices connected to it.
Saying that it's standard practice to hide SSIDs is a true statement. There are plenty of installations out there that hide their SSIDs. But often they're doing it because they incorrectly believe it will improve security. Statements like the one in the review are helping to spread that misinformation and keep that falsehood alive in the public consciousness.
Simply rewording that line in the review, to say that the product doesn't support hidden SSIDs, and that's a problem because some networks have hidden SSIDs on purpose, would make the review accurate without spreading misinformation. But clearly this guy doesn't actually understand network security, so you're not going to convince him to change his review.
I'm no security expert either, but I understand enough to know that hidden SSIDs are not valid as a security layer.
Looking back on the statement in the quote, though, there is one way you could take that statement which absolves him of any responsibility. I don't think he wrote it with this intent, but a literal interpretation of the actual words would actually be a true statement. The statement doesn't say "I recommend...", the statement says "It's recommended that...". Which, if you interpret it super-literally, can be considered a true statement: Some people do actually recommend that. Misinformed people who don't understand network security do actually recommend that.