"I think clothing has greater applicability than extra panels. Not everyone needs extra panels, and most people who do have already ordered them. Even if you don't need clothing, it's easy enough to gift to to someone else."

Agreed ('course this is allowing for the fact that you can't *really* get extra panels yet...) I think that the muy exclusivo fleece is about as motivating as one could wish. If only my technically-oriented friends hadn't gotten absorbed in rug rats before they were able to talks their spouses into a high-end MP3 player! I may have to put a bumper sticker on... "Ask me about my RioCar!" (Hmmmm....one confounder here is that I don't really want my less trustworthy neighbors to know that I have an Empeg or that I'm the kind of disposable-income guy who can afford one. I envision returning from a 3-week trip to find my place cleaned out...Still want that fleece, though!)



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.