Much more interesting to me is the new 12" MacBook. It's got exactly two ports: one headphone jack and one USB-C port (*). That's it. Nothing else. If you have some rare, antique device like, say, a camera with an SD memory card, you're out of luck.
I think it's even worse than that. Isn't that port also used to connect the power supply to it? In other words: if your laptop is on the chord, forget about plugging *any* USB device in. That's just nuts!
Edit: Just read what Peter wrote here above. So it's true... ok, so you can argue it's bad charger design, but in any case, I would like at least one USB type A connector on my laptop as well, and also an SD card slot. (hell, I didn't even like the Ethernet connector disappearing!) I would never buy a laptop that doesn't have this, but maybe that's just me?
I was always hesitant when it came to Apple, but in the recent years, I've started leaning more towards them (granted: I started to be able to afford their products as well

). I'm now a very avid user of an iPhone and iPad, and was actually planning on buying an iMac and Macbook. But to be honest, these sort of things really turn me off. I can live with a bit less connectors, but not with hardly any connectors. I don't want to lug dozens of adapters around, simply because Apple doesn't want to implement connectors into their laptops anymore. That just won't cut it for me. I really hope Apple will start to see sense when it comes to these things. If not, I will never fully convert to their ecosystem.